
Wearing a boa.....LOL

Monday, March 26, 2012

MARCH 24, 2012

Today's wildlife; Barred Owl, Boardwalk; Water Moccasin, Wildlife Drive

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Guided Alligator and Hog Hunts

For a guided Alligator hunt or Hog hunt contact:  Billy Jackson at 239-633-4967

MARCH 13, 2012

Today was a half day tour. I got to visit with a lady I hadn't seen in almost 50 years.  It sure was great to see her and meet her family and show them airboats and Alligators.  Everyone on the tour was so nice and really seemed to enjoy learning about the Everglades.  See ya later Alligators.
the evergladeslady

Saturday, March 10, 2012

MARCH 10, 2012 Mama Alligator w/babies

Today's wildlife photo's; Mama Alligator with babies in lower right hand corner; another pic of mom and babies, this time mom is almost invisible and the babies are really showing (taken a different day); last pic a large Alligator at airboat ride.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

MARCH 7, 2012 Blue Heron, Anhinga, Snake eating frog

Today's wildlife photo's; Great Blue Heron, wildlife drive; Anhinga swimming with fish and Pond Apple trees, airboat ride; Garter snake eating tree frog, Boardwalk.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Alligators Bellowing in Florida Everglades

I was wrong in the video, I said "just the males, make that sound".  Turn's out both male and female alligators bellow.  There were two large alligators in this recording, you may only hear the one in front of us.  I will work on getting a better video.  See ya later, Alligators.  the evergladeslady

MARCH 5, 2012 Alligator HOTA position, White tail deer

Today's wildlife pictures; American Alligator "head oblique tail arched" (HOTA) position, gator hole at boardwalk. Florida Whitetail deer (Seminolus), on wildlife drive.