
Wearing a boa.....LOL

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Black Crowned Night Heron's are back. December 9, 2012

Black Crowned Night Heron's (upper left, bottom right).  We counted 30 Black Crowned Night Heron's December 8th.

Juvenile Alligators sunning. Dec 8th (warm shorts weather in the upper 80's); well warm for us, not so much for Alligators.  They like to keep their body temp. at around 90 degree's Fahrenheit.

siege of Great Egrets.  Wading birds are moving in for the drying up of the water. Very early this year in Big Cypress. (Dec. 8th.)  Also there is a Great Blue Heron in the photo; can you find it?
Spiders can be easily seen this time of year, due to the heavy dew and fog associated with autumn in south Florida.  The dew and fog attach to the web and make it very visible.

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